Pools & Brackets

You can also view the pitch counts for teams in this tournament.

Pool A Standings

#1 IGH IGH Team 1 2-0-0 40 8 20
#2 Lakeville Black 4 1-1-0 24 23 0
#3 Lakeville Royals 1 0-2-0 11 44 -20

Pool B Standings

#1 Lakeville Yellow 6 2-0-0 18 6 12
#2 Farmington Community/ Rec Team 2 1-1-0 16 7 8
#3 Lakeville Green 3 0-2-0 5 26 -20

Pool C Standings

#1 Lakeville Powder Blue 2 2-0-0 22 10 12
#2 Lakeville Grey 5 1-1-0 18 13 5
#3 Farmington Community/ Rec Team 1 0-2-0 6 23 -17

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Pool A Games (last updated: 7/27/2023 8:38PM)

Game # Team 1 Runs Team 2 Runs Date Field
136359 Lakeville Black 4 21 Lakeville Royals 1 6 7/26/2023 at 05:45PM Rich Valley, Field #1
136361 IGH IGH Team 1 17 Lakeville Black 4 3 7/26/2023 at 07:45PM Rich Valley, Field #1
136360 IGH IGH Team 1 23 Lakeville Royals 1 5 7/27/2023 at 05:45PM Rich Valley, Field #1

Pool B Games (last updated: 7/27/2023 8:38PM)

Game # Team 1 Runs Team 2 Runs Date Field
136363 Farmington Community/ Rec Team 2 13 Lakeville Green 3 2 7/26/2023 at 05:45PM Rich Valley, Field #3
136362 Lakeville Yellow 6 13 Lakeville Green 3 3 7/26/2023 at 07:45PM Rich Valley, Field #3
136364 Farmington Community/ Rec Team 2 3 Lakeville Yellow 6 5 7/27/2023 at 06:00PM Rich Valley, Field #2

Pool C Games (last updated: 7/27/2023 11:15PM)

Game # Team 1 Runs Team 2 Runs Date Field
136366 Farmington Community/ Rec Team 1 3 Lakeville Powder Blue 2 12 7/26/2023 at 05:45PM Rich Valley, Field #2
136365 Lakeville Grey 5 7 Lakeville Powder Blue 2 10 7/26/2023 at 07:45PM Rich Valley, Field #2
136367 Farmington Community/ Rec Team 1 3 Lakeville Grey 5 11 7/27/2023 at 07:45PM Rich Valley, Field #1